Monday, May 11, 2020

`` On The Hunt Killing, Eating, Respecting Wild Beast,...

In the essay Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill argues the purpose of morality is to create a better world as a whole, or to achieve utility. Mill defines utility as actions that promote happiness and pleasure, with the absence of pain and suffering and asserts that utilitarianism embodies this concept, as it is a moral theory that encourages and preaches actions that coincide with such ideals. John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism relates to A New Environmental Ethics, authored by Holmes Rolston III, as it explores the moral relationship between humans and the Earth. A section in Rolston’s book titled â€Å"On the Hunt: Killing, Eating, Respecting Wild Beast†, specifically addresses the impact humans have on the suffering of animals and examines†¦show more content†¦Mill is arguing that the basis of morality is dependent upon the existence of pleasure and absence of pain, which is what people most desire. Therefore, an action that leads to an increase in happ iness is seen as good and desirable while actions that decrease a state of happiness are seen as bad and should be avoided. Mill further elaborates on the meaning of utilitarianism when he explains, â€Å"for that standard is not the agent’s own greatest happiness, but the greatest amount of happiness altogether† (Mill, 11). Utilitarianism is not concerned with actions that increase personal happiness, but those that increase happiness overall. It is important for one not to value his or her happiness over the happiness of others, because if we create happiness for others we will then create happiness for ourselves. Mill continues to address misconceptions of utilitarianism, one of which claims that utilitarianism’s standard of promoting happiness is too high for humanity. Mill claims that we have a natural inclination to create happiness and our intentions behind an action are insignificant as long as the consequence of the action results in happiness. Mill sta tes, â€Å"He who saves a fellow creature from drowning does what is morally right,

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